Journal of Interdisciplinary Academic Research (JIAR)

Social Sciences

Masturbation and Substance Abuse among Street Children of Harare Central Business District, Zimbabwe

Mr Chikoko, Witness
Prof Muzvidziwa, Victor Ngonidzashe
Dr Ruparanganda, Watch
Mrs Chikoko, Emelia
Published 12/07/2018
Article License:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Very few studies have been conducted that examine the complex relationship between substance abuse and masturbation among street children of Harare Central Business District. The conceptual frameworks involving the child rights and child agency perspectives were adopted in analysing the realities of these children.The substance abuse and masturbation among street children of Harare Central Business District, demonstrate these children as social actors thus agency.However, the actions could be viewed as ambiguity of agency as they clash or threaten existing societal values.Also the behaviours could be viewed as self destructive agency.On the other hand, drawing from a child rights perspective, the behaviours involving substance abuse and masturbation of the street children highlight huge child rights violations prevalent on the streets of Harare Central Business District.The street ethnography approach and qualitative research methodology were used to generate data for this study.The paper concludes by recommending full implementation of child rights laws and policies to reduce risks associated with the complex nature of substance abuse and masturbation among these children.

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